Sunday, August 13, 2017

Tough Times Never Lasts

When problems arrive,
Life feels like a rollercoaster ride.

You are stuck under the dark night,
It dominates you to believe there is no light.

But It's a choice,
Either panic or listen to your inner voice.

Your inner soul abide,
Struggles inside.

Your belief to survive,
Says you are alive.

So don't quit,
Try bit by bit.

Don't focus on negative view,
remember tough times never lasts but tough people do.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Life and Death

When loved one died it's hard to take the pain,
It's a loss not the gain.

It's the time you are shading your fears,
And wiping others tears.

All the moments lived together surround you,
Happy, sad, all the Memories around you.

You show how hard and strong you are,
But actually you are shading the pain of loved ones gone far.

Years may pass, this moment will fly by,
But you always search for those in the sky.

All the moments becomes Memories,
And you share all the stories.

You don't have control on someone's breath,
It's the matter of life and death.

                                                ~Lalita (Lily)